These museums exhibit local rural artefacts as well as items related to the state railways, fire-fighting pumps and historical artefacts from old comprehensive schools.
Since the 1910s, the stone barn of the parsonage was used partly by the parson and partly by the parish granary. The Vilppula-Seura association, which was established in 1963, began to renovate the stone barn – which was used as a storage building and for business purposes at the time – to convert it into a local museum in 1981. The museum was subsequently opened to the public in 1983. In the museum’s yard, there is a wind engine that is originally from the Ala-Pynnönen estate as well as a milk churn stand jointly owned by the Vilppula agricultural college and the Metsämäki estate. The old Akula granary, which has been transported to a location behind the stone barn museum, serves as a summer exhibition space.
Vilppula School Museum was established in 1988 to mark the centenary of the Kolho school, which is the oldest school in the municipality, and the municipality’s school system. The museum operations began from the Kolho school, which had put together a collection of artefacts mainly from the old Kolho school and schools in Vilppula that had been closed down.