Serlachius Headquarters in the town centre of Mänttä hosts exhibitions related to the history of the paper industry and the Serlachius family as well as art. Many of the exhibitions are presented to visitors through stories. Dramatised history and interaction are also important elements of the museum’s services for groups.
The permanent exhibition Paper Devil is a dramatised and visual telling of the story of the life and audacious business moves of paper mill owner G.A. Serlachius, Mänttä’s first business tycoon. Apotheckary’s Trade House offers hands-on activities for children. The exhibition Behind the Pulp Gate sheds light on daily life at the Mänttä pulp mill (1913–1991) through the stories of the people who worked there. The museum also features changing art exhibitions. The former head office of the G.A. Serlachius Company is a tourist attraction in its own right. The head office, which represents the classicist and functionalist styles, was completed in 1934 as the calling card of the pulp and paper combine and was decorated with art by renowned artists. The former head office was transferred to the Gösta Serlachius Fine Arts Foundation’s ownership in 2000 and opened as a museum three years thereafter.
Serlachius Museum Gustaf is a centre of active cultural work. It is a venue for organising many activities open to the public, including lectures, seminars, concerts, theatre performances and other cultural events. The museum’s facilities can also be reserved for meetings, training events and various private functions.